The effects of population and credit shocks on housing prices are much more long term than has been previously realised, say Arthur Grimes and Sean Hyland of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. 16-04-2015 more >>
There is agreement that security of housing is a basic requirement but there is less agreement about the best way to fill this basic need. 16-04-2015 more >>
A Tauranga residential property manager is ushering in a new level of professionalism in the rental housing market by guaranteeing the rent for any tenants his company puts into a property. 16-04-2015 more >>
The Reserve Bank today urged greater attention be given to reducing housing market imbalances that are presenting an increasing risk to financial and economic stability. 15-04-2015 more >>
Local Government Minister Paula Bennett and Building and Housing Minister Dr Nick Smith today welcomed the publication of the final report of the Crown Manager for Christchurch City Council’s building consenting functions 10-04-2015 more >>
Here is a list of media releases and the times journalists have contacted NZPIF for comment on current issues. Also included is the response to the Reserve Bank’s consultation document on the possibility of new rules for property investors. 10-04-2015 more >>
Comments from the State Housing Action Network that the Government is abdicating its responsibility to social housing tenants are completely incorrect, Finance Minister Bill English says. 08-04-2015 more >>
Resources and power point presentations from the day have been distributed to participants but here is a list of items which can be sent to you. 08-04-2015 more >>
Reserve Bank has released a consultation document on their proposal to separately classify residential rental property loans from owner occupied residential loans. The NZ Property Investors’ Federation has now examined the consultation document and made a submission on the Reserve Bank’s proposal. 01-04-2015 more >>
Reserve Bank has released a consultation document on their proposal to separately classify residential rental property loans from owner occupied residential loans. The NZ Property Investors’ Federation has now examined the consultation document and made a submission on the Reserve Bank’s proposal. 01-04-2015 more >>
Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett today announced details of the Government’s funding boost for emergency housing providers, and a comprehensive funding review of the sector. 26-03-2015 more >>
The Healthy Homes Bill was defeated last week and Peter Malcolm of Closing the Gap is completely wrong to say that Government rejected this bill to save landlords money. 23-03-2015 more >>
The Rules Reduction Taskforce has recently been appointed by the Minister of Local Government and they do want to hear about all the rules which get in the way of good ideas 19-03-2015 more >>
Representatives of the 20 Property Investors’ Associations (PIAs) affiliated to the NZ Property Investors’ Federation (NZPIF) will gather in Wellington at the Airport Conference Centre on 29 March 19-03-2015 more >>
This week MBIE asked for proposals to conduct research on the drivers of landlord motivation to upgrade and maintain their rental properties, where children in those properties may be at risk of rheumatic fever. 19-03-2015 more >>